Thursday, August 25, 2011

Touring Always Brings Out All The Nuts

OK so you are all aware I only post the emails I recieve that deserve recognition for pure stupidity. This has been a long while. But hey. I am touring many cities and low and behold wouldn't you know not any PA,or OH cities but a posting of my tour on back page( go figure right) . I get this loser tea bagger.

Dear ~~Visiting~~~A Gentleman's Preference In Adult Companionship!:
Or excuse me,are U're actually calling yourself,nothing better than a Gentleman's Preferance in Adult Companionship; which sound's like U actually want Old-Farts,because U feel safer;with them? What's an Old-Fart got;but old-balls;that means U,have to fuck them;a long,long time;in order,for them,to cum.
U are cool,with that? I know,I know;U like old-balls,that are old,and wrinkly,but;safe.laugh.out.loud
Well,I'm also an old-fart;except I'm 51,so I'm becoming;not yet; an "Old-Fart". Except;I'm the perfect age,for U! I'd love to experience,a 40year old pussy.And see if it's good as a young-pussy. I bet when U,were young;U were tight, & hot! Wish I could have eaten-U out;20 years ago!Probably would have been in my nirvonna.How many kids,grandchilden have U had? Anyways,respectfully yours, Jim Lamb,1940 N.Leland,Ferndale,Michigan 48220 or call:399-2567(248)

my comment . Fucker can't spell,norrecongnize the difference from a gent and a slime ball.
He should look in the mirror.

So many men have no money but way too much time on their hands. I find them quite funny and entertaining. Like hand puppets.

I am so sorry a city like Detroit ( I have family there would provide this kind of junk mail.) I love Detroit and always will. But >>>
These type of guys have no clue they are a minute portion of society. He is a broke ass 51 yr old refuses to put himself in old fart folder. I am 48 I am proud to be 48. So fucking what. I will fuck the life out of every 20 something. This losers point was???

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Touring Dates !

Touring dates! Pittsburgh Aug 22-25 Columbus OH Aug 25-27 Fort Wayne IN. Aug 27-29 Detroit Aug 30- Sep. 1 Harrisburg Sep 2-3 Philadelphia Sep. 3-5 New York,NY Sep 5-8 Richmond Sep 10-12 Virgina Beach VA Sept 13-15 Las Vegas Oct 27-30 San Francisco CA Oct 30-Nov. 3 San Jose Nov 3-5 San Diego Nov 7-9 Los Angeles Nov 9-11 special requests for me to come to your city please send your request.