Thursday, October 18, 2012

Porn Stars And Sex Workers Are Not Sub -Human!

In today's internet technology access to a variety of adult entertainment is at your fingertips.
It seems all to familiar with most of us involved in both the sex industry and adult video,web cam phone sex chat lines the unfortunate down side.
If you have never woke up to a not so admiring public. We have.Imigine if you will how well your day would be like  based on your checking your voice mail before your morning coffee only to find insults,name calling.
Can you imigine the thick skin all adult shooters and sex workers must endure just to make a living .
It is the down side and one would hope the trade off would be to atleast the happy friendsly voicemails and emails out weight the bad.

It is 2012 and most technologies allow one to research who is calling or leaving these horrific messages.I understand most are bld because they believe they are the only ones with capability o hunt us down like prey.

I am all too aware some men may not find me attractive or their type. I do not have fault with that. I have a issue with somebody whose life is so pathetic he needs to take time out of his meaningless existence to write somebody he does not know. He can text message me on a number meant for booking arrangements to send me a video. I understand the guys seeking attention.

If I continue to receive emails such as the ones I receive. I really wont answer emails from fans anymore either.
I get a text message today from one who felt compelled to send a tube site hosting stolen scene from my work.So what is your point stop texting. I am never surprised ,just sick to death of hey did you feel that? You seemed kinda loose.
All I can tell the individuals who are just like this fucknut is this. Grow the fuck up and try to live a better and happier live. I can't please you nor do I wish to. Nobody can. You are a sad worthless n good individual and wish to take it out on me and the rest of us sex workers .

I have decided to retire one month early to avoid any more of these bullshit emails and text messages and voice mails.
I like most everyone is entitled to a positive day. beginning with a smile on my face not pissed off from some jackwagon.

I have had to thicken my skin and I do not wish to live the rest of my life dealing with this garbage. I do not deserve it nor does my family and those around me.
November 30 is my final day of providing. My cell will no longer exist.
If you feel the desire to humiliate somebody  why don't you begin in your own mirror!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am saddened that there are some sorry ass men that have no life. I think the world of you and have the utmost respect. I am a huge fan and the tweets we've exchanged has meant a lot to me and has made me a happy fan! You are a very sexy woman in and out. I'm sure there are a lot if fans like myself that feel the same way! So if I never get the chance to enjoy my FANTASY WOMAN, at least ive had great conversation. So enjoy your early retirement! (Im still plotting to see you)
