Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rolling back My rates...

O.k. yes We are in a recession///depression!
So in accordance to all the fiscal issues many of my friends have encountered.

I am rolling back my rates to the old 2003 donations.Please keep in mind that unfortuneatly the ads still keep going up. Gas is coming back up and my travel xespences remain unforgiving. So please folks I am doing the best I can to make it easier for everyone. Do not ask me for barters,discounts ...
I am the still the same my dates are the same. And except for travel cities like Chi-town,new york and Miami. No half hour dates.
I now will offer lower donations for cocktail only dates. Dinner only dates,video signings, event only dates. If you want me to do a special apperarnece at your club. If you want me on ypour ARM AT A BENFIT DINNER ECT.Sorry no private time included.

gfe hr 300
cocktail date public 150 hr
dinner out only 3 hr 450
event attendence no incall 100 hr
video signings 75 hr

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